Friday, June 7, 2024

My Life in Book Titles...

I saw this meme on BookerTalk back in December 2023, and I thought it looked like fun. And the beginning of June seemed like a good time to do it. I've answered each category with the title of a book I've read this year. And so far, 2024 has been full of some very good books. 

In high school I was:  The Other Side of Lost  (Jessi Kirby)

People might be surprised by:  A Robot in the Garden (Deborah Install)

My fantasy job is:  Keeper of Enchanted Rooms  (Charlie N. Holmberg)

At the end of the day I need:  Home at Night (Paula Munier)

I hate being:  Fish Out of Water (Katie Ruggle)

I wish I had: A Groom of One's Own (Emma St. Clair)

At a party you'd find me with (an): Exit Strategy (Martha Wells)

I've never been to: Where the Road Bends (Rachel Fordham)

A happy day includes: Wishes (Muon Thi Van) & Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame)

Motto I live by:  What You Are Looking For is in the Library (Michiko Aoyama) & Everything is OK (Debbie Tung)

On my bucket list:  The Unlikely Thru-Hiker (Derick Lugo)

In my next life I want to have:  An Inheritance of Magic (Benedict Jacka)

Happy Reading!


  1. These are great, Lark! I like that you'd have an Exit Strategy at a party. Same!

  2. I lol'd at the Exit Strategy! My husband and I have a signal for each other when its time to escape a social setting.

    1. That's awesome...and totally necessary for certain social settings! :D

  3. I also laughed about 'Exit Strategy'. You can add me and also my husband to that list. Ha! You're so creative here, Lark. I'd never be able to come up with these. ;-)

    1. It was fun seeing which recent titles fit each category...I wasn't sure it would work out this well, but I got lucky this time. :D

  4. This is so fun, Lark! I laughed about Exit Strategy too. That's me, as well, lol! :D

  5. Haha! What fun. I loved reading the books you selected to match the categories.

  6. Hi Lark, very good books you chose for these categories. So far in 2024 I haven't read books that can fit these categories but I have another 7 months to go and I would like to try by the end of the year.

    1. By then you should have lots of good titles to choose from!

  7. Aww this is so fun! :D Definitely same with me looking for an exit strategy at every party. I'm that one friend who's always asking "When are we leaving?" 😂

    1. I'm so like that, too. Even when it's a lot of fun, I have a socializing limit. :D

  8. Love this! What a clever meme and it was fun to see your answers. :)

    1. :D Thanks. It was lots of fun to put together.

  9. :) My favorite is Keeper of Enchanted Rooms for the fantasy job!

  10. "At a party you'd find me with (an): Exit Strategy (Martha Wells)" -- lol, this made me laugh! This is such a fun meme!

  11. I remember you reviewed the Munier book and I still need to read it. and I've really liked the Jessi Kirby books I've read!

    1. I love that Paula Munier series! And The Other Side of Lost is such a great one, too. But then I'm in for any book about people hiking those long trails. :D

  12. Oh this is too funny! I love all your answers to these questions. You found some absolutely perfect titles.

    1. I really lucked out with the titles this time! :D

  13. I was intrigued by A Robot in the Garden, so I checked it out and it looked really intriguing. I bought an ebook copy.

    1. It's a cute read, and unexpected, too. I got my copy at a library book sale for a nickel. And it was worth every penny! ;D

  14. What a fun meme! I must have an exit strategy at social events, too! The Other Side of Lost sounds so good! As you know, I love the thought of doing one of those long hikes. Maybe someday.

    1. She hikes the John Muir trail in The Other Side of Lost. I'd love to do that hike someday. :D

  15. Love all your answers! I always have an exit strategy for every event! I totally resonate with you motto and your bucket list...through hiking is where it's at!

    1. I'd love to do some long hikes someday. And I have a socializing an exit strategy for me is super important. ;D

  16. This is such a fun meme! I feel like I've done this one before but it's been a while. Great answers!

  17. Your answers are fun and ones I would have used if I answered though the books I had read have no such fun titles. I like the last answer the most - who wouldn't want magic?

    Have a lovely day
