Thursday, August 22, 2024

Crow Talk by Eileen Garvin


The main characters:
FRANKIE O'NEILL--a graduate student grieving the death of her father and struggling to finish her master's thesis; she's come to her family's small summer cottage on June Lake to try and pull her life together. 
"Bird song, wind in the trees, the rhythmic lifting and clanking of the dock in the waves, the water lapping the shore. Sounds as familiar as her own breath. It was a comfort to hear them, as she'd hoped. But the feeling wouldn't last....Because she was not a girl at home in the woods and falling in love with birds for the first time. She was twenty-six, homeless, and staring down a host of uncomfortable new firsts in her life. She was unemployed and unemployable. Bereft of friends and allies, she was out of options, out of ideas, and out of places to go."

ANNE RYAN--Irish musician, young wife and mother; she's dealing with her own grief and struggling to connect with her five-year-old son, Aiden, who no longer speaks to her or her husband, Tim. She, Aiden and Tim have come to June Lake hoping to reconnect. 

"Nobody tells the truth about having children, Anne knew. ...Nobody ever admitted that being a mother is an epic of failure. There were just so many opportunities to fail: when your baby won't eat, or sleep, or stop crying, or won't look at you, or won't speak to you. Or stares at his hands and won't respond when you say his name. Or screams unconsolably for some unknown reason. Or when you take your attention off him for one minute and he vanishes into thin air."

My thoughts:  I loved this book. The quietness. The beautiful prose. The tentative friendship between Frankie and Anne's young son, Aiden. The baby crow Frankie saves and returns to its family. Hers and Anne's separate journeys through loss and grief, and the friendship and healing they find along the way. I loved the remote setting, and all the talk and descriptions of crows. It's such a transporting and captivating novel. A perfect read for the end of summer. 

My rating:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  

Happy Reading!


I also really enjoyed reading Garvin's The Music of Bees. 


  1. This does sound lovely. I'll have to see if the library has a copy.

    1. Fingers crossed. It's a good one. And so is her previous book, The Music of Bees.

  2. Nice cover on this one. Will have to see if my library has a copy. Thanks for telling us about it, Lark!

    1. Her books are definitely worth checking out!

  3. This book sounds amazing and the passages you quoted really show the beautiful writing. It's real life because so many people are dealing with heartache and problems in their Ives. I will definitely check this book out.

    1. I think you'd really like it. Her previous book is wonderful, too.

  4. This sounds like beautiful and emotional read. Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Replies
    1. It is a little sad, but also full of heart and hope.

  6. It does seem like a lovely book to close out the summer with. I like the premise and setting. Nice review!

    1. It was a charming read. She's becoming a favorite author.

  7. It does sound like a lovely book. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. It is really good. She's an author you might like. Her books are very heartwarming and uplifting.

    2. Lark, thanks for the recommendation :)

  8. This sounds lovely! I've never read anything by this author, but now I think I need to check out her books.

    1. I loved both of them, though I think The Music of Bees is my favorite. :D

  9. I haven't read anything by this author but it sounds like I'm missing out. This sounds like there are lots of bittersweet poignant moments.

  10. This sounds really good, glad you enjoyed it.

  11. Nature has a way of healing. Sounds like an inspiring book.

    1. It's a very charming read. I liked the characters' journeys.

  12. I had to check June Lake appears to be near Mammoth in Central Cal, but that cover I thought was of a place in Alberta, Lol. The area must have been beautiful in the story. Love the remoteness.

    1. It was a great remote setting. Loved her descriptions of it.

  13. Love the cover and the story sounds lovely! You keep adding to my TBR, lol! :)

    1. Well, you're always adding to mine, so... ;D

  14. I loved the excerpts you shared from Crow Talk, Lark, so much truth, especially in that second one. This does sound like a good one.

    1. It's so good. I really liked her previous book, too.
