Friday, August 16, 2024

Two Quick Recommendations...

Forgotten Trail by Claire Kells

This is the third mystery with ISB agents Felicity Harland and Hux Huxley. This one takes place at Pinnacles National Park in California. I really enjoy the National Park setting in this series, especially when it introduces me to parks I've never heard of before, like Pinnacles. And Felicity and Hux are such engaging characters. They make a fun team. I had one problem with the mystery and how the murderer knew to be there, which I felt was never satisfactorily explained, but I liked everything else about it. Especially the suspenseful moments in the park and those unexpected twists along the way.  ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A Season on the Wind by Suzanne Woods Fisher

"Ben Zook had only two loves in his life. Books and birds."

No longer part of the Amish community, Ben has returned to his childhood home of Stoney Ridge in search of a rare bird. He's hired shy Micah Weaver as his guide. But it was Micah's sister, Penny, who first taught Ben to love birds twenty years ago, when she was just twelve. Too bad he doesn't remember her. 

"She looked at his profile. Him. Ben was her spark bird."

I loved this book because of Micah, Penny, and Ben. And that Amish setting. But most of all, because of the birding! This is an enchanting and heartwarming romance.  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Happy Reading!


  1. Two more books I feel like I 'must' look up as they sound great. Your blog needs to come with a warning, Lark. LOL!

    1. :D I feel the same way about your blog and all the books you review and recommend...90% end up on my TBR list, and the other 10% I've either read, or they're not available at my library.

  2. I always read with my library's site open on another tab, so I can switch over to reserve books :)

    1. I need to do that! It'd save me both time and post-it notes. ;D

  3. I like books with an Amish setting. I haven't read one in awhile and A Season In The Wind sounds like a good way back in. And that reminds me, I must get back to Linda Castillo's novels.

    1. I really like books with that Amish setting, too. I just finished reading another one by Laurel Blount called Courage in the Storm that was very good. And I finished reading the newest Linda Castillo last week. It's another really good one, but then I always enjoy her Kate Burkholder mysteries. :D

  4. Forgotten Trail sounds like a series I should hunt down - in proper order, of course!

    1. It's a fun mystery series. I love the characters...and all the National Park settings!

  5. I'd never heard of Pinnacles National Park either and I live in California! I would like to read this one. A Season on the Wind sounds wonderful! Especially because of the birding! :)

    1. I did really love A Season on the Wind. :D

  6. I enjoy adventure mysteries like Forgotten Trail.

    1. I really like them, too. Mostly because of all those great wilderness settings!

  7. I have always enjoyed Suzanne Woods Fisher's stories! Have a great weekend!

    1. This is only the second book by her that I've read, but I really liked it. Makes me want to check out more of her books.

  8. Oh, I would love to read a mystery series set in NPs, and I really enjoyed Pinnacles when I was there five-plus years ago. I was reading the Nevada Barr books, but they got too dark for me. But a fun pair sounds like more of what I would enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. That's cool that you've actually been to Pinnacles. There are so many National Parks in California I'd love to visit one day. And these mysteries don't get as dark as Barr' least they don't feel dark or scary to me. I hope you like them.

  9. Both of these sound good. Especially the settings. And the birding in the second one would be a bonus.

    1. It was the birding moments that made me love that book even more!

  10. Thanks friend. Hope you’re well. Regine

  11. Both of these sound so good! It's been awhile since I've read an Amish book. That's so cool that birding is a part of it! :D

    1. I did really love that part; but then I love to go birdwatching myself. :D

  12. I think I only read one book, quite a while ago that had an Amish setting.

    1. I've only read a few--both mystery and romance-- but I have liked the ones I've read.

  13. I didn't know where Pinnacles Park was either ... I looked it up ... it doesn't look too far from Carmel ... which is like heaven country. What a good setting for the book.

  14. Forgotten Trails is on my TBR. I really enjoyed the previous two books and need to pick that one up. A Season on the Wind looks good as well. I haven't read many Amish stories but that one sounds really nice.

    1. It was such a cute romance. I really enjoyed it. And Forgotten Trails is another good one from Kells.
