Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Taken Ones by Jess Lourey

JULY 1980:  Three girls enter the Minnesota woods at the end of their street to go swimming in the creek one summer afternoon. Only one girl comes back out, so traumatized she can't remember what happened to her two friends. Was it the Bendy Man who took them? Or someone else?

SUMMER 2022:  When the body of a woman who was buried alive is found, the small gold heart found with her connects her to the Taken Ones. Minnesota's BCA brings in cold case detective Evangeline "Van" Reed and forensic scientist Harry Steinbeck to investigate. And Van is determined to figure out what happened to those two missing girls, no matter how many people she angers in the process. 

My thoughts:  I really loved Jess Lourey's book The Quarry Girls, and this one is equally good. But I don't know how to talk about it, because so much of this story just needs to unfold on its own. Especially with Van, her past, and all her secrets. She's a complicated character, with flaws and vulnerabilities, and a special talent that helps her know things she shouldn't. I liked her. And Harry is great, too. I think his secrets might come out in the next book. Another thing I really liked is Lourey's writing; she has a gift for adding poetic touches to her prose. If you like character-driven mysteries with atmosphere and suspense, give this one a try.

My rating:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Happy Reading!


  1. The premise of this book sounds interesting where 40 years ago 3 girls went into the woods and only one returned. In fact I believe there are a number of novels out there with a similar theme and I would like to give this book a try although I woukd start with the first book in the series.

    1. You can start with this one if you want because it and The Quarry Girls aren't part of a series; they're both standalones. And there are quite a few books out with a similar theme of girls going missing when they're young. Which maybe should be a little bit troubling. ;D

  2. This sounds like a fascinating mystery. I'm adding it to my list. Great review, Lark! :)

  3. This sounds good and I love dual timelines in a mystery. Adding this one to my TBR!

    1. It's more set in the present with only a flashback or two from the past, so I wouldn't call it a dual timeline book.

  4. I like all the things you say about this book, so I might try it.

  5. I have only read one book written by this author but I did enjoy it. This sounds like one worth picking up!

    1. This is the second book I've read by her, but it won't be the last. I really like the way she writes.

  6. This author gets lots of positive reviews but I think the subject matter would be too much for me.

    1. It is a little dark. So I get how it might not be a book you want to read right now.

  7. That sounds creepy and sad. I'm glad it was good for you.

    1. It is a little sad. But there's a good ending.

  8. I enjoy a crime procedural that features strong characters with an ongoing story arc. This sounds like one I'd enjoy!

    1. Van is a strong female character. I really liked her. I think you'd like this one, too.

  9. I will add this book to my wishlist. I've read a couple of Jess Lourey's novels in the past and have a couple of her novels in my 'tbr' pile.

    1. She's worth checking out. I really like the way she writes.

  10. I'm always drawn to this kind of story. In fact, I've read a few with a very similar setup this summer!

    1. This premise seems to be very popular of late. Not that I mind. Especially when they're written this well.

  11. This sounds very good, Lark. I am glad you enjoyed it!

    1. It was very good. I really like the way Lourey writes.

  12. Lark, I love the title of this book - sounds kind of creepy though. And, the story itself sounds like a must-read. I'm definitely adding it to my TBR pile. I'm so glad you shared about this one. I'm wondering what happened to the two girls now, which means I will have to push this one up the TBR list. :)

    1. This is a mystery I think you will really like!
