Sunday, September 1, 2024


I recently watched this excellent Anthony Hopkins movie:  One Life.  It's based on a true story about an ordinary man who helped save over 600 refugee children from the Nazis during WWII. 

My library haul for the month: 
The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean
The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars by Anthony Boucher
September House by Carissa Orlando
Suicide House by Charlie Donlea
Beauty and the Beach by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
Flirting With Fire by Jane Porter
Tap Code by Carlyle S. Harris
Calamity by Constance Fay
Metropolis by B.A. Shapiro

A few of my glad things from August:
  • We got several days of lovely drenching rain last month, which was a refreshing change from the string of 100+ days and no rain that was the month of July.  
  • A Rufous Hummingbird came to the feeders in my backyard and stayed for awhile on its migration south. They're such fun birds to watch. 
  • My neighbors gave me some of their freshly picked blackberries and I made 7 jars of yummy blackberry jam from them. 
  • My family gave me a large turtle Squishmallow for my birthday; it's cute, very huggable, a little silly and totally makes me smile. 

"The Secret to Life is Finding 
Joy in Ordinary Things."
--Ruth Reichl


  1. Ho sentito molto parlare del film che hai visto e devo assolutamente trovarlo in streaming perché ne parlano tutti molto bene

  2. Love your joys. Thanks for the quote. Regine

  3. Your quote reminds me of Ross Gay's The Book of Delights, which inspired me to look for the small delights every day. I need to read his follow-up book to that! And I'll keep an eye out for the film. I feel like we need to be reminded of the power of good these days.

    1. I need to look that book up! It's what I've been trying to do more of in my own life this year. And we definitely need to be reminded of the power of good and how even one person can make a big difference.

  4. Love that quote! It is so true. We usually get Rufous Hummingbirds through here during migration and I've been on the lookout but haven't seen any so far. My hummingbird feeders are filled and waiting, just in case. Meanwhile there have been plenty of Ruby-throats and a Black-chinned or two.

    1. We mostly get Black-chinned hummers here, but every fall we get a Rufous or two, which is fun. I hope some find their way to your feeders soon. :D

  5. That movie sounds really good. I'm adding it to my watchlist. I love that quote! It's so true! I'm glad y'all got some rain. We have a fairly good chance for some the next couple of days, which we desperately need.

  6. Love, love, love blackberry jam! Yum. Happy September, Lark!

    1. Blackberry jam is SO good. I love it, too. I've never made it before though, but it was easy and turned out, so I hope my friends have blackberries next year they don't want so I can make more. :D

  7. Great quote. Life is what we make of it, and there are more little things along the way than big things.

    Haven't seen that movie, but anything with Anthony Hopkins in it immediately gets my attention, so I'll be looking for it.

    1. Life is what we make of it. And we do choose to see it as positive or negative. And being grateful for all the little things is what brings happiness, I think. It's what I'm trying to get better at doing this year. And I think you'd really like the movie.

  8. I'd not heard of that movie, but it looks good. Yummy jam!

    1. Blackberry jam is now my favorite kind of jam. :D

  9. Emiko Jean's book is one I would like to read too. I hope you enjoy your library books! I envy you your rain. I wish we could get some here. I love Squishmallows. I'm on the lookout for the perfect one for me. :-) My daughter has one she's had for years--she sleeps with it every night and it travels around the house with her even now despite her being 13. I hope you have a great week and month of September!

    1. There are so many cute Squishmallows out there to choose from, it is hard to pick just one. :D

  10. I think Anthony Hopkins is such a talented actor! How nice to get rain after so many days of 100+ weather. We had almost an inch last week after a long dry spell and it was wonderful! Beautiful hummingbird! Hope you enjoy your new library lends and Squishmallow! :)

  11. I love that quote and do agree completely. Will watch for what you might think about a couple of the books. I read Suicide House a while back and liked it. Hope you have a nice weekend!!

    1. I'm looking forward to Suicide House. I really enjoyed Some Choose Darkness. :D

  12. Squishmallow? I had to look that up but I wouldn't mind a top like that, like a large teddy bear.

    I hope you get to enjoy all your books and all the little, ordinary things.

    Have a lovely day

    1. Squishmallows are the best...very huggable and cute.

  13. I hadn't heard of that movie -- thanks for the recommendation! And I'm impressed that you made your own jam!!

    1. I usually make strawberry freezer jam every year, which is super easy, but now I think I'm hooked on blackberry jam. :D

  14. I heard of that man but not the movie. What he did was remarkable. Love hummingbirds.

    1. It's a remarkable movie. And hummingbirds are very fun to watch. And very territorial. They totally fight over the feeders. :D

  15. Lark, I've heard about that movie. I have it on my list to watch. What a great haul of books! Blackberry jam sounds yum! How cool about the Rufous Hummingbird. And, that turtle sounds like a treat! Squishy fun! Wishing you a lovely week!

    1. It's a good movie, I think you'll really like it. I hope you have a good week, too. :D

  16. One Life looks exceptional--I don't think Anthony Hopkins could be in a non-great movie, actually! The Rufous Hummingbird is gorgeous--I am currently reading Amy Tan's Backyard Bird Chronicles, and so am motivated to pay more attention to what is in my own backyard. Kudos to you for making blackberry jam--I simply eat all the raspberries I pick with no thought for the future!

    1. I really want to read that Amy Tan book! Eating fresh raspberries is always yummy. I have bottled them once, which was easy; then I got to enjoy them in January. :D

  17. What a beautiful hummingbird! We hardly get any here. We liked the movie One Life too. It makes you think about what one person can do ... to help others. A moving movie.

    1. It's a great movie! And what a cast. And the ending totally made me tear up.

  18. I love hummingbirds as they are indeed fun to watch! I love the quote too!

    1. It's a great quote. And hummingbirds are definitely fun birds to watch.

  19. Such fun randomness! I can't wait to hear what you think of Beauty and the Beach :)

    1. I've got it sitting in my library bag and am hoping to dive into it this weekend. :D

  20. Well this is a learning experience, I did not know what a Squishmallow was. I think I have seen them but had no idea of the name.

    Blackberry jam is my favorite and I bet it is best when homemade. The hummingbird sounds awesome.

    1. I can see why blackberry jam is your favorite. It's become my favorite jam now, too. And everyone should know what a Squishmallow is. ;D They're just so cute. And I love that they come in so many shapes and sizes.
