Sunday, September 15, 2024

September's bookish art...

Georges D'espagnat -- Woman Reading

"Do not set out to live a well-read life but rather your well-read life. No one can be well-read using someone else's reading list. Unless a book is good for you, you won't connect with it and gain from it. Just as no one can tell you how to lead your life, no one can tell you what to read for your life."
 --Steve Leveen, The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life    


  1. That quote is so true. That's why I mostly ignore best seller lists, lol.

  2. How brilliant is that quote? So right too.

  3. Lovely quote. I certainly agree that no one can define a "well-read life" for someone else. It's up to each of us readers to find our own definition.

  4. Lark, I love this quote! It's so true! That's why I don't pay attention to all the books being hyped up everywhere and instead pick what grabs my attention :) Thanks for this! Wishing you a great week!

  5. That quote is so good! It's so true! Gorgeous painting too. :)

  6. Oh, I love this so much! I've gotten past the point where I pay much attention to lists of the books we "should" read. If we don't enjoy our books, what's the point? This is perfect.

  7. This is very true! I usually ignore a lot of lists, like The Booker Prize. Most of the books on them don't appeal to me. The art is pretty, too! :)

    1. I usually ignore all the Booker Prize nominees, too. They just don't sound like books I would like very much.

  8. I agree with that quote ten times over!

  9. This is such a great quote! That's always been one of the challenges of blogging. I see what everyone else is reading and get instant FOMO. I've learned to just stick to what I want to read instead of what everyone else is reading.

    1. It's hard not to get caught up in all the books other bloggers are reading and reviewing! My TBR list certainly is a lot longer because of that. ;D

  10. So true, that quote. I've worked from canned lists sometimes, the kind that tend to make you feel guilty for never having read the listed books, etc. And I can't remember ever feeling all that good about the experience, especially since I've gotten older and have only so much reading time to spare.

    1. The less time you have to read, the more important it is to choose your own books, and not from anyone else's list. I mean, who are they to suggest what you should read? ;D

  11. This is such a great quote, I love it and agree wholeheartedly!

  12. The quote is so true. On the other hand, I don't mind suggestions! ;-)

  13. Beautiful.

  14. That's true, everyone has different tastes in books.

  15. That is an excellent quote. We all need guidance and recommendations along the way, but reading for pleasure means finding gems that work for you regardless of whether someone thinks "everyone should read this" about any one specific book.

  16. Great quote. My life is as well-read as can be. And we should all read the books we like, not the books we should read.
