Sunday, August 4, 2024

Two Quick Recommendations...


Hunting Time by Jeffery Deaver

This is the fourth Colter Shaw novel. He's one of my favorite characters! Raised by survivalist parents, Colter works as a rewardist:  collecting rewards for finding lost things and people. His job makes for some interesting and fun adventures. There's always lots of action and suspense. I've enjoyed all four books in this series, though I recommend starting with the first one, The Never Game.

I also recommend checking out the TV series, Tracker, which is based on these books. It's awesome! Justin Hartley plays Colter Shaw, and he does such a good job of portraying this character. It was my favorite TV show last year, and I'm very much looking forward to watching the second season of it this fall. The new season begins on October 27th. 

Happy reading...and viewing!


  1. Thanks for the recommendations, I hadn't heard of the Colter Shaw books. It's always nice to see a fav book turned into a show or movie.

    1. They're fun books. I good combination of action, suspense and mystery. Plus, Colter Shaw is a very likable character. And the tv show is awesome!

  2. You find such brilliant series! Me, my eldest daughter and her husband are all hooked on Ryder Creed now. LOL! Will look this book and TV series up. Have you tried Hudson and Rex? We all three love that too.

    1. Ryder Creed is definitely one of my favs. But I think you will really like Tracker. And I haven't tried Hudson and Rex, but if you love it, then I'm pretty sure I will, too. Off to look it up. :D

  3. I didn't realize Tracker was based on a book series! A friend has been urging me to try it, and now I think I will!

    1. The shows a lot of fun. Definitely my favorite TV series at the moment.

  4. I feel like Jeffrey Deaver is an author whose name I've known forever without actually reading one of his books! This series does sound interesting. How does it rate on a gore scale?

    1. I would rate the books very low on the gore scale. There's action, with some fighting and shooting. And people die. But it's not that in-your-face graphic kind of violence; I don't like that in books either.

  5. I kept meaning to try Tracker. My husband likes the show. I'd probably do better to read the books since I tend to do better with book stories.

    1. And the books are a lot of fun, especially if you're in the mood for an action/suspense kind of read.

  6. thx for the show recommendation .... I will look for Tracker

  7. I have seen lots of trailers for Tracker but I had no idea it was based on a series of books. Very interesting. I may give the series a try. I have read some of Deavers' other books.

    1. The books are good, but the TV show is equally fun. I think it's interesting some of the changes they made in side characters for the TV series.

  8. I love Tracker. I've been watching it too.

    1. It's my favorite TV show...especially since they cancelled So Help Me Todd.

  9. New to me. Thank you for the recommendation.

  10. Oh, I want to read and or watch this series! Sounds really good and I like Justin Hartley!

    1. And he's so good in Tracker! I think you'll really like it.

  11. Thank you for the recommendation. I didn't realize the show was based on that series. I'll have to check it out. :D

  12. I knew of Deaver even though I haven't read much (any?) of his work, but had no idea that TV show was based on a book series. I caught a couple of episodes of the first season and enjoyed them.

    1. Deaver has written a ton of books. I've only read this series by him, but I'd like to try some of his Lincoln Rhyme series now, too.

  13. I haven't read Jeffrey Deaver but he is a very popular author and I have seen advertisements for Tracker. I am looking for a good TV show and so I will give it a try in the fall. And it's great that the actor portrays Colter Shaw so well like he stepped out of the book.
    That takes talent.

    1. And Hartley is perfect as Colter Shaw. It's a really fun TV series. I think you'd like it. :D

  14. I've seen Tracker but didn't really put together that it was based on a book series. I've also had Jeffrey Deaver on my TBR for ages. It seems like I need to try both!

    1. Tracker is one of those shows that your whole family could enjoy, which is rare these days. It's a lot of fun.

  15. Glad you recommended Tracker. I wasn't sure I would like it, but I am always on the lookout for something great to watch!

    1. It's become one of my favorite shows to watch.

  16. Lark, my friend you are are so right about Tracker - it's such a great show! I love it! I can't wait for the new season, which I heard has been moved up to the October 13 - woo hoo! I need to read the books though- I think I have the third one on my kindle. I should probably start at the beginning though. So glad you posted about it!

    1. It got moved up to October 13th? That's awesome! Something to look forward to. :D And I think you'll understand Colter's family and past better if you start with the first one.

  17. It's been ages since I tried a Jeffery Deaver book. I will have to add Tracker to my list of shows to watch if we ever subscribe to Paramount again. It sounds good!

    1. It's on CBS, too, if you still have regular TV.

    2. I'm afraid we don't get regular TV. Haven't for years now.

    3. Yeah, it's becoming obsolete. Like land lines. ;D

  18. I like Deaver's Lincoln Rhyme series, but I've never read this one. I might need to try it!
