Saturday, February 1, 2025


 Recently finished reading:  South of the Buttonwood Tree by Heather Webber

Beautifully written, this magical 5-star novel will tug at your heart.

My favorite quote from it:  "Stand in your own light, Blue Bishop. Stand strong. ...Opening yourself up, being you, is the only way to get what you want most in the world."

It reminded me of this sage advice from Vol. 5 of Emma M. Lion's Unselected Journals written by Beth Brower:  " wise, and good, and true to the beatings of your own heart..."

Yesterday's library haul:

Being Henry: The Fonz...and Beyond by Henry Winkler
Spare Change by Bette Lee Crosby
A Quantum Love Story by Mike Chen
49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards
Riverbend Gap by Denise Hunter
Duchess Material by Emily Sullivan
Home Sweet Homicide by Craig Rice
Coming Out as Dalit by Yashica Dutt
Red String Theory by Lauren Kung Jessen

And, channeling my inner Pollyanna, here are some of the things that made me glad last month:
  • A fun game day with some friends where I learned to play Canvas and Skyjo.
  • Then, at my family's monthly game night, I got to play Dominion with my nephews & nieces, which was fun even though I came in last every time.  
  • I saw a Spotted Towhee in my backyard! I love these birds, but I usually only see them when I'm out hiking.
  • I've been listening to and loving Teddy Swims' album I've tried Everything but Therapy...
  • And I'm always very glad when cold & gloomy January finally ends because that means I'm one month closer to warmer weather.
What's been making you glad lately?


  1. You brought home a lot of great books from the library. I'm headed to a library sale today.

    Focusing on the positive things keeps us from dwelling on things we can't control and from the fear that arises with that. Doing positive things like enjoying games with others and watching birds does the same. These are things I'm telling myself at this time.

    1. It's important to focus on the positive things and the things that make you happy! Hope you find lots of fun books at the library sale today. :D

  2. Good book haul. And I don't think I've seen a Spotted Towhee but now that you mention it -- I will keep a look out as they say they should be in our area during breeding season. I might be mistaking it for something else. And I think the LA benefit concert was a positive this week.

    1. That was a positive thing! Tragedies always seem to make people pull together and help one another...which is often the only silver lining in something as devastating as those fires were and are.

  3. Loved your list of books you got at the library. Some authors I'm familiar with and some not, but that means I can learn new ones, right? I am glad that January is behind us and it looks like February will be a more pleasant month for us in the weather area. Spring is coming!! Happy about that. Have a good week, Lark!

  4. It looks like you have some great reading ahead of you! I've read most of Heather Webber's cozy mysteries but haven't tried her newer books yet. I definitely want to though. That quote is so good!

  5. I'm so happy for February too. I know it's still winter but the nights are starting to draw out and February tends to be a less gloomy month in the UK. I had to look up the Spotted Towhee, not familiar with that bird at all... I see it's a kind of sparrow, how wonderful!

    1. It was very fun to see it hopping about underneath my bird feeder. Usually I just get juncos and finches. :D

  6. I remember seeing Spotted Towhees in visits to New Mexico. Wonderful birds, as are all the members of the towhee family.

  7. I just started listening to Teddy Swims too. I love his voice.

  8. Nice library haul! We got Skyjo for Christmas and LOVE it. We have played it a ton over the last month :)

    1. Skyjo was so fun! I want to play it again because I feel like there's a strategy there that I haven't quite figured out. :D

  9. Never heard of South of the Buttonwood Tree but I love the cover. I'll check it out. It's fun to get together for game nights with family! We get a lot of Spotted Towhees here. They're so pretty and it's a joy to see them! Happy to hear you spotted one in your backyard!

    1. I love Spotted Towhees! I hear them a lot when I'm hiking. And I really liked South of the Buttonwood Tree. It's all about family and forgiveness and finding yourself.

  10. Love love love Teddy Swims! Great library haul! Have a good week!

    1. His voice and his songs are so great! I'm loving this album.

  11. South of the Buttonwood Tree sounds wonderful, Lark. I am glad you liked it. I think I have a couple of Heather Webber's books in my e-reader I need to read. I love your list of things that made you glad recently. Family time is always the best. I hope you have a great week!

  12. Ooh I've seen Red string Theory somewhere and thought it sounded neat! I've liked Chen's books too.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading both of those books. I'll let you know if they're any good.

  13. I always love these posts, Lark :) Wishing you a lovely week!

    1. Thank you, Nadia! I hope you're doing well. :D

  14. So nice to read all the happy things from January! And that's quite a book haul -- I'd love to hear more about all of these, especially the Henry Winkler book!

    1. I just barely finished reading that review should post tomorrow, if I can get it written. ;D

  15. I always enjoy game nights with family or friends! Glad you had a good week. :)

    1. Game nights are the best! We try to get together at least once a month. :D

  16. I loved the Buttonwood Tree and I've really enjoyed everything I've read by this author. Sounds like a wonderful January! The game night sounds fun and I love birds but am not great at identifying them. One of my goals is to get better at that. Happy February!

    1. I can identify most of the birds that visit my backyard and that live near me now, but it took awhile. And several birding books, too. I'd love to be able to identify birds just by their songs, but I only can do that with five or six birds.

  17. Game days are so much fun. My son regularly invites a group of friends to our house for games--I'm so glad that board games are "back."

    We have a Spotted Towhee that visits our yard frequently. When I am out in the garden working (not winter), I have come to recognize his distinctive greeting. We're good friends, even though my pup does delight in chasing him.

    1. I love that board games are back, too...and much funner ones that the ones I played as a kid. :D

  18. There's nothing like a great library haul!! Also- a 5 star book :)

  19. I have been meaning to read something by Craig Rice for years, and I have a few on my shelves. I hope to hear what you think of Home Sweet Homicide.

    1. I'm excited to read that one; I really like those classic mysteries. And this one looks especially fun because kids are the amateur detectives.
