Saturday, March 1, 2025


 TV shows & series that I really miss:  

⏺Dwight in Shining Armor

⏺The Big Leap

⏺The Eco Challenge (which was the best adventure race ever!)

TV shows I'm very happy are coming back soon:

The Amazing Race
Project Runway

New album I am totally loving:

(Nate Smith:  California Gold)

And my list of 'glad things' from last month: 

  • One of the fourth graders I work with told me I was her favorite teacher.
  • I bought a new game called Trails that is a lot of fun to play.
  • My nephew got his first 'grown up' engineering job which made my entire family cheer.
  • I got a cute dragon squishmallow for my half birthday that totally makes me smile. 
  • A friend gave me daffodil bulbs about twenty years ago and I planted them in the front of my house, and every year they're the first flowers to come up; they remind me spring is on the way. I'm always grateful and glad to see Susie's daffodils blooming.
  • And Beth Brower's Emma M. Lion books continue to amuse and delight; I've now read the first seven books in the series and loved them all. Though I am sad there's only one more to go. 


  1. I'm really excited for the return of Amazing Race and Project Runway too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lark! :D

    1. Aren't they the best reality TV shows? They are my two favs, that's for sure. :D

  2. I confess I've not watched any of the television shows you mention but I'm glad that you have enjoyed them. I'm going to check out that Nate Smith album and I love your little bear with his daisy and the sentiment that he illustrates.

    1. Finding joy in the little things is the key to finding joy in life, I think. And this Nate Smith album is SO great. I love it.

  3. That's awesome that the daffodils keep blooming.

    1. It's such a gift. I think it helps that they're planted near the house on the South side which protects them from the cold and snow we get all winter. Whatever it is, I'm just so happy that they keep coming up. :D

  4. Daffodils are my favorite flowers and when we bought our house I was thrilled to see there were daffodils already planted. I love that squishmallow! Happy March!

    1. :D Thank you! And daffodils are such a bright and happy flower. I love seeing them come up because I know the tulips and lilacs are next.

  5. Love this and especially love 'today find joy in the little things'. I need to remember this every single day. :-)

    1. It's a great quote...and something I'm working on in my life, too. :D

  6. I too like to think about the small things. A song thrush singing in the garden every day, a new woodpecker pecking away at one of the trees, snowdrops in flower, a few beautiful days of sunshine instead of overcast skies. :-) And I started an old TV series that I'd never heard of before, Sue Thomas FB-Eye. It's so great! Happy spring, Lark!

    1. I used to watch Sue Thomas!! It's a fun show. I loved all the signing, and her dog, Levi. And I'm loving the blue skies and sunshine of spring, too. Even though I think we're supposed to get 3 or 4 days of rain and snow this week.

  7. I loved hearing about the daffodils :) Congratulations to your nephew! I really loved this post - thanks so much for sharing! Wishing you a wonderful week!

    1. Hi, Nadia! How are you? Always glad when you stop by and comment. I hope you have a great week this week, too. :D

  8. Love the quote and Nate Smith.

  9. How sweet to be called a favorite teacher! Our daffodils are coming out all over this valley and it's so pretty! The ones on our property are slowly starting to bloom. How lovely to be reminded of your friend like that every year. :)

    1. It did make my heart happy when she told me I was her favorite teacher. Makes going to work worthwhile. :D

  10. I think it's great about your nephew's new job. Is it a mining engineer job? My husband is an engineer so that's why i ask. Hope he enjoys it.

    1. He got his degree in mechanical engineering, and the company he's working for designs complicated HVAC systems, or something like that.

  11. The only show I've watched recently is Blue Lock, and that's something we sit down and do as a family. Why isn't there more time in a day?? I didn't know you worked with fourth graders! That's the grade I teach.

    1. Fourth graders are awesome! I actually do small reading groups with kids from K-5, but my 4th grade group is my favorite this year. :D

  12. That is impressive that the daffodils still bloom 20 years later. I have no doubt you are a great teacher and congratulations to your nephew on his engineering job!

    1. :D I don't know how, but those little daffodils just keep coming back every year. I love it.

  13. I'm not familiar with the shows you miss, but I'm also excited for the return of The Amazing Race! Awww, so sweet about your 4th grader. How wonderful to hear something so affirming! Trails looks like a lot of fun. My daughter is a huge fan of both hiking and board games -- I'll have to ask her if she knows this one!

    1. The same company that did Trails also did a game called National Parks that looks like a lot of fun.

  14. Will look into the game, we love board games! I am looking forward to reading Emma Lions books, but have to wait until the first one comes up on our book club rotation.

    1. You will love the Emma M. Lion books. The first one is the shortest...but know that each successive book gets better and better. So don't stop after the first one!

  15. This post brought the biggest smile to my face. I have no doubt you’re an amazing teacher.
