Friday, May 27, 2016

Bookish thoughts...

On reading days.  In college, we always had a few days between when classes ended and finals began in which to study. We called them "Reading Days". And while I really don't want to go back to college, I wouldn't mind having designated days just for reading in my everyday life when everything else could just come to a stop. Wouldn't that be awesome? One or two days set aside every month just for reading! I would really like that. Wouldn't you?

On commenting.  As much as I love talking books with other bloggers, I sometimes find myself in a commenting slump. No matter how great the bookish post may be, there are days when I can't think of anything better to say than "sounds good" or "great review". It's sad, and a little embarrassing. I mean, who wants to be the person who signs everyone's yearbook with that lame cliched remark: "Have a nice summer"? I blame my sporadic slumps on stress and lack of sleep. So, when another commenting slump comes along, please forgive my lack of creativity and good conversation. It won't last long. Which is a good thing, because chatting about books with other bookish bloggers is what I like best.

On burrowing owls.  Just saw my first burrowing owl on Antelope Island. Mostly males, because the females are nesting. Soon there will be chicks! I love owls.

Happy Reading!


  1. I do have reading days, but they are not intentional! They happen most often when I don't want to clean house, don't want to write reviews, am stalled on an art project, feel overwhelmed by all the things I should do--but don't want to, etc. :( I need to have more days that concentrate on doing all the things I have procrastinated on!

    1. Yeah, I probably have too many of those kind of reading days, too. But I want reading days where I don't feel guilty later for all the stuff I didn't get done. :)

  2. Oh, and comments. Sometimes I sit with my fingers on the keys waiting for some clever or pertinent comment to come to mind. Then write: Great review or Sounds good.

  3. Let's establish reading days. I'm in!

    I get what you mean about commenting. I really do try to comment on the blogs of people who commented on my posts, but sometimes I have nothing interesting to say. Then I try to go interact on twitter, or call it a day and realize that there will always be another post (or maybe I will feel more inventive!).

    1. I wish you could buy creativity in a bottle sometimes. And even better than reading days...let's have a reading summer!

  4. Reading days would be awesome to have - if only! And I know what you mean about commenting - sometimes its hard to come up with something to say. I'm pretty bad about commenting. I'm trying to get better about it.

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a weekend of good reading days! :)

  5. Reading days sound great to me! TMI but I think women should get the whole week of their "special time" off from the world and should just be allowed to read.
    I hate when I can't think of anything to say on people's blogs. It's so hard. Sometimes.

  6. My reading days are mostly when my girls go to school, lol. But, I do read whenever I get the chance, like waiting at queues and sometimes before going to bed.

    I definitely could relate to the commenting issue. There are times I want to comment on posts but just don't know what to say aside from great post. ;-)

    1. Seems like we're all in the same boat. :)

  7. Did you make that photograph of the owl? It looks amazing. Owls are great, I love their little faces!

    I also recognize the comment-slump, sometimes you want to say something and tell the writer how much you enjoyed their post, but nothing interesting comes out. And sometimes I feel I cannot express myself correctly in English and when I read back what I wrote, I end up deleting the whole comment.
    But I also think that a small thing like 'love this' or 'interesting post' is also nice.

    Kind regards,

    PS, reading days should definately be instated!

    1. Your comment-slump excuse is better than mine. :) But you're right, sometimes just acknowledging you like someone's post means a lot. I know it does to me. (And sadly, no, I didn't take that great photo. I wish I had, but I'm currently between cameras.)

  8. Glad it doesn't just happen to me (on the comments thing). Now I feel a little better, so thanks for your honesty. And the owl field trip was great!

  9. I would love to have designated reading days in my life too! I think that's a great idea. :-)

    I hear you with commenting. Sometimes it is hard to think of something worthwhile to say. Especially with some of the memes I participate in (like on Tuesdays). How many times or ways can I say the book sounds good?

    I love owls. :-)

  10. So envious of your seeing a burrowing owl--I have tried many times but only seen one in captivity (part of being rehabilitated after being injured).

    When I was in college, back when the world was young, we didn't have reading days, and I always think they are a great idea.

    Commenting is challenging, just like blogging is challenging, sometimes the muse strikes and sometimes she is stubbornly mute.

    1. I had to sign up for a burrowing owl field trip in order to see the ones I did...but it was totally worth it! :)
