Cinderella Girl vs. The Cinderella Governess
Why these two books? Well, when I looked Cinderella Girl by Carin Gerhardsen up in the library catalog to see if my library had a copy, The Cinderella Governess by Georgie Lee was the very next book title on the list. And it was such a strange juxtaposition I couldn't resist checking them both out to see how they measured up against each other. Here are the results:
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◉ Swedish Crime Fiction ◉ Regency Romance
◉ Lots of pieces and plot lines that keep ◉ Fun, if completely predictable
you guessing and only come together to plot. Comes with requisite
form a complete picture at the very end. happily ever after ending.
◉ Between the many victims' POVs ◉ Spunky governess, Joanna
and the various police detectives POVs, Radcliffe, and the honorable
I found it hard to connect with any of Major Luke Preston, her love
Gerhardsen's main characters. interest, are both likeable and
easy-to-root-for characters.
◉ Interesting and compelling mystery ◉ Light-hearted and humorous
that's a bit dark, but not too graphic. romance. And did I mention,
completely predictable?
So, which book is better? Depends on what you're in the mood for. The Cinderella Governess would probably win on characters, but Cinderella Girl has the definite edge when it comes to plot. And while neither is a perfect read, I liked both books enough to give them each a 3.5/5 stars. Though I don't think I'll be rushing out to read either author again any time soon.
Happy Reading!