Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dear Santa,

My first wish for Christmas is this 24-day Around the World Trip in a private jet with National Geographic--visiting Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Angkor Wat, the Taj Mahal, the Ngorongoro Crater, Petra and Marrakech. It's only $90.000. I know it's expensive...but you are Santa. And I have been a very good girl this year! Still, if that's too much, how about this book instead:

(See Nadia's review of it here.)

My second Christmas wish is this turquoise blue Mini Cooper convertible. Isn't it cute? And I'd look so good in it! I know it won't fit under the tree, but you could leave it in my driveway instead. (Pretty please!)

But, if that's asking too much, I'll settle for any of these simple stocking stuffers instead:

🎄 Christmas PEEPS...any flavor.

(Did you know there's an Official PEEPS website?
Check it out; it's kind of awesome.)

🎅 Katie Ruggle's latest release Risk It All.
(I know it doesn't come out until December 31st, but I'll wait.)

🎄 This bookish keychain would also be perfect for me...
(Don't you just love the quote?)

🎅 Book Love by Debbie Tung would also fit nicely in my Christmas stocking!

🎄 Or these bookish earrings might be fun...

🎅 I like this dragonfly notebook and this dragonfly necklace, too...
(because, you know, I really like dragonflies.)

🎄Also, a gift card in any amount to ANY bookstore would be appreciated.
(I promise, this is one gift card that would NOT go to waste.)

🎅 And last, but not least, you know how much I LOVE Sees soft center Chocolates...
(A gift which would go to my waist, but they're so good, I just don't care.)

So, there you have 2019 Christmas wishlist. Won't you see what you can do?
Thanks, Santa!

Wishfully yours, Lark


  1. Ha! I'm going to take your list and add it to mine. Too much to wish for that Mini Cooper, but what fun it would be to drive around in that. :)

    1. Wouldn't it be a fun car to tool around in? :D

  2. I definitely want some of those items on your list, Lark! :D

  3. I hope Santa's listening! My in-laws just gave me a See's gift card for my birthday. Usually, they give me B&N cards, but I'll always take chocolate. Yum :)

  4. What a great Christmas list! Love the keychain and I definitely wouldn't mind getting that Mini Cooper too. ;)

  5. That car is adorable but the peeps are good too, lol.

  6. I'll take that car as well :) Hey, that Peep site is awesome. And I want a copy of The Night Before Peepmas!

    1. It's a sweet car, isn't it? And you can't beat a Peep! :D

  7. Love your wish list! I hope at least you get one or two of the requests in your stocking or under the tree this year!

  8. Oh wow that trip sounds fantastic. Al those amazing places... love the Cooper too. :)

  9. Great list and I can always use a gift certificate to a bookstore as well. I love journals also.

  10. Oh I love this list! I also want the new Katie Ruggle, and I like the key chain and earrings! Hope you get some of your big ticket items! :)

  11. I'll settle for chocolates and books, and thankfully I have plenty of both! I would like enough money to relocate from Scotland to England should it become necessary but I need to win the lottery for that!

    1. Ooh...a winning lottery ticket! I should have put that on my list, too. :D

  12. Those book earrings are really cute but I don't think they are practical, if I wear them, I would keep trying to untangle them from my hair. Chocolate and books - oh yes, definitely needed for the holidays and even non-holidays.

    Have a lovely holiday.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this holiday season, too. :D
