Friday, September 1, 2023

September Randomness

Favorite quote from a recent read:
"(In life) everything involves your head and your heart. What you should do and what you want to do. Sometimes they are aligned. Often they are not. To live with your heart means that when there are choices to be made, you make the one that thrills your heart, not placates your mind."
--The Comeback by Lily Chu   

(I need to do a better job of living with my heart!  💗)

And because I enjoyed reading The Comeback so much, I had to check out Chu's first book The Stand-In, which I ended up loving just as much, if not more. These are two very fun romances, each set in Toronto, Canada, each with strong Asian characters, and each with lots of humor and, of course, happy endings. I can't wait to check out Chu's next book.   

Here are the books I just checked out of the library that I'm planning to read in September:
(Of course, this list doesn't include the many other books I have on hold right now, books that could come in at any time, which would then completely change all my reading plans.)

The Library by Bella Osborne
The Blackout Book Club by Amy Lynn Green
The 22 Murders of Madison May by Max Berry
Girl Gone Missing by Marcie Rendon
The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren
Ruby Spencer's Whiskey Year by Rochelle Bilow
Play For Me by Libby Hubscher
The Drowning Girls by Lisa Regan
Play Dead by Angela Marsons
Accidentally Famous by Marissa Clarke

I just started watching the first season of Dark Winds. And I'm really enjoying it. Tony Hillerman's novels have long been favorites of mine, and I'm finding this series equally compelling. Plus, I love that Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly scenery!

Lastly, two quotes that seemed perfect for September:

Happy Reading!


  1. I've been enjoying Dark Winds, too. The other night, I said to Denis, "Only people who have traveled extensively in the area can truly understand how far apart all these places are, and that you're pretty much on your own if you're hunting a bad guy." I love Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly.

    1. You're so right! People who have never been out west don't understand the vastness of it. We took a road trip through Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly one summer and it's so beautiful; but then I'm a fan of that red rock scenery throughout Utah and the southwest. :D

  2. Ooooh, I like the sound of Dark Winds. It's on Prime I think so I'll look for that tonight. Happy Sept. reading, I love September. :-)

    1. I'm four episodes into Dark Winds now and totally loving it.

  3. Dark Winds reminds me of Longmire and I loved that show! Did you watch that? Would you agree if so? Hope you enjoy The Soulmate Equation, Play For Me, and Ruby Spencer as much as I did! :)

    1. I have not watched Longmire, but I've heard such good things about it I think I need to check it out!

  4. The books sound great and I LOVE the quotes!!

    1. :D I love to collect great quotes like those.

  5. Happy September! You've got a solid list of options there. My library hold list keeps growing. I feel like I'm there twice a week haha.

    1. I know what you mean. I'm glad I live so close to my library because I'm over there all the time lately, too. ;D

  6. Sounds like both the Chu books were hits for you. I've not heard of Dark Winds - I'll have to look it up.

    1. The Chu books are so good. I think you would acutally really like both of them.

  7. Why is it that all our library holds come in at the same time no matter when we place the requests? Seriously, it's some strange library dark magic! And indeed it changes all reading plans!

  8. I love that Henry Ford quote, because it's been my own philosophy on living life for as long as I can remember. So far, so good. :-)

    Dark Winds is really well done. I've not gone far into the series, but like you guys I'm really enjoying the scenery. I've explored that area several times in the past, and it's great to see it on the screen this way...and I love the lead actor in the series. Seems like he's everywhere sometimes.

    1. I'm liking everything about Dark Winds. And the scenery is spectacular! And I love that Henry Ford quote. It's so true...and a very good way to live your life.

  9. I love both of those Lily Chu books! I'm hoping more are on the way. :) And I really enjoyed Dark Winds too! I watched all of season 1, and I'm hoping to start season 2 soon. Hope you enjoy your September books!

    1. :D Thanks! I love having a new bag of books from the library to choose from.

  10. We have very much enjoyed watching "Dark Winds" and are hoping for more episodes in the future.

  11. I read both Lily Chu's rom coms. Loved them.Clever and entertaining.

    1. So entertaining! I really loved both of them, too. I hope she hurries up and writes more. :D

  12. Set in Toronto! I'll have to check them out.

    I love both those last two quotes.

    1. I loved both of Chu's books. And the Canadian setting was a lot of fun.

  13. I loved the first season of Dark Winds! I've only read one of the later books, but hope to continue them soon.

    1. I just finished the first season of Dark Winds and really loved it. Can't wait to check out season 2. :D

  14. I've been curious of Lily Chu's books so I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed reading them. And I love those two quotes. So true. :D

    1. I think you would really like both of these Lily Chu books! I really loved them. :D

  15. What great quotes! I need to remind myself of that more often too. Those books sound really good. I need to try that author. :)

    1. I think you would like the Lily Chu books. The characters are great, and there's no graphic sex scenes.

  16. I haven't heard of Dark Winds, I'll have to check it out. I've been watching The Good Wife and was really surprised by how good it is.

    1. It's a really good show. And I liked the first few seasons of The Good Wife.

  17. These sound wonderful, and I love that quote!

    Dark Winds is awesome, :)

    1. I loved the first season of Dark Winds! What a great show.

    2. I'm two epsidoes into the next one... //

    3. I can't wait to check out season 2. :D

  18. Excellent quotes and I totally agree about continuing to learn! I got very curious about the Tony Hillerman books after my trip to New Mexico. I just need more time to read but I wouldn't mind checking out Dark Winds in the meantime.

    1. I need more time to read, too! And I think you'd really like Dark Winds. They've done such a good job with it.

  19. Love your recent read quote. It's so true.

  20. I've seen Dark Winds banners on Amazon over here and been wondering if I should try it -- I wasn't sure if it was for me, but I also did not know until now that it was a book series! Thanks for the heads up!

    1. It's a fascinating mystery series set on the Navajo reservation. And the characters are great in it. Definitely one worth checking out.

  21. I've really enjoyed the Tony Hillerman series so I need to try Dark Winds. All of your September reads look good but the only author I've read is Christina Lauren. I'm super curious about Girl Gone Missing. Happy September!

    1. They've done a good job with the series; I think you would like it. :D

  22. I really enjoyed The Soulmate Equation! I hope you do too, if/when you get to it!

  23. Wow do they really film Dark Winds at those scenic settings? I must took a look then. thx for the tip
