Sunday, October 1, 2023


 It's October! I'm loving the cooler temperatures. Especially at night. Autumn is my favorite time of year. All those beautiful fall colors. I'm NOT loving the higher gas prices. We're at $4.32/gallon where I live. Ugh. The other thing I'm not loving at the moment is my new work schedule; they gave me extra hours and it's really been cutting into my reading, writing, and blogging time, which is why I haven't been commenting as much lately. I miss having an hour at lunch everyday to read, though the added money on payday has been nice. 

Even though I have less time to read these days, I couldn't stop myself from checking out all of these books from the library: 

Gallows Hill by Darcy Coates
Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison
The Dark by Emma Haughton
Fervor by Alma Katsu
The Man Trapped by Shadows by Pete Zacharias
The Nightmare Man by James Markert
A Death in Door Country by Annaliese Ryan
The Hollows by Mark Edwards
The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan
What the Hex by Jessica Clare
The Nevermore Bookstore by Kerrigan Byrne and Cynthia St. Aubin
Night Will Find You by Julia Heaberlin

This is the time of year when I really like reading thrillers and books with that supernatural edge. A few paranormal/witchy romances are always good this time of year, too. I probably won't have time to read all of these this month, but it never hurts to try...right?  🎃

I couldn't choose between these two bookish quotes this time...I love them both:

Happy Reading!


  1. Sorry you got given a new work schedule that means less time to read. 😥 And yeah, I love October too and always make way a few spooky reads. Mind you I like those 'all' year round! LOL

    1. Spooky reads are good all year round...though I do seem to focus on them more this month. And I'm struggling to adjust to my new work schedule. Turns out I'm not a fan of change. ;D

  2. I love that last quote - something I experience quite frequently!

    1. I'd love a poster or pillow of that last one to put in my house. Because that is the magic of a good book. :D

  3. I'm so happy it's October. I love this time of year. We've still been having summer-like temperatures lately, but it looks like Fall temps are coming soon. I can't wait. Hope you have a great week, Lark! :)

    1. Fall temps are the best. We even got some rain last night which was amazing. And the mountains here are a patchwork of reds, greens, oranges and golds. So beautiful!

  4. Not a fan of extra hours, but it is nice for the paycheck. Hope you love Night Will Find You. Oooh, you reminded me I have The Hollows on Kindle Unlimited and haven't read it yet. I want to do that this month too.

    The quote about people seeing you reading and assuming they can interrupt because they think you're doing nothing is never truer than on lunch time! It's so annoying. I need to find a space away from other people during lunch. Hope your schedule changes back to more manageable hours, Lark. :)

    1. That's the worst thing about my lunch time now! I only have 30 min. and my co-workers are there at the same time, and one of them is a TALKER. So I can't read at all. Then I get home and I'm tired and I have all this other stuff to's a whole thing. I'm hoping I adjust to it soon. but I'd really rather just have that time to read.

  5. Bummer about the extra hours! I agree about fall colors and temps being the best. :) I get in the mood for somewhat darker reads like thrillers and supernatural, too.

    Have a good week, Lark!

  6. Fall is my favorite season as well. I LOVE when the leaves change color. I am sorry for the loss of reading time, although more money is a nice bonus. Maybe not the extra hours though.

    1. I could definitely do without the extra hours at work! But what can you do? Hopefully I'll adjust to the new schedule soon...and figure out how to fit in all those books I just checked out of the library. ;D

  7. I love this time of year too. The last two days I was able to have the door and windows open during the day it was so nice.

    1. Isn't it nice to be able to have the windows open during the day? I love it when it's cool at night, too. :D

  8. Gas!

    Same here, my favorite time of year. Can't wait to hopefully get some spooky reads in this October...

    I really liked Such Sharp Teeth.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading that one. It seems like a really good book for October.

  9. Fall is the best! Though it's pretty seriously still Indian Summer here.

    When the book just sucks you in is the best.

    1. It is the best! I love escaping the world for a little while in the pages of a good book. :D

  10. I love Fall and Utah does the season especially well! Enjoy the cooler weather, Fall leaves, and everything else. I'm sorry gas is so expensive. I drive an EV, so that's not something I pay any attention to anymore.

    Your October reading pile looks like lots of fun. I'm excited for the Heaberlin novel as well. I hope you enjoy the books you're able to get to this month.

    1. The Heaberlin novel does look really good! It was a last minute addition to my library hold list after I saw Rachel's review of it last week. :D

  11. Wow that high for gas. Hope you get in some reading. Regine

  12. Fall should finally arrive to Texas later this week, and I can't wait! I'm ready for the cooler temperatures. Those gas prices are crazy though! I'm fortunate to only live 10 min from my work, so I don't have to fill up too often.

    1. I hope your temps start to cool down now that it's October! We had rain all day today in Salt Lake and it's so lovely. I always sleep better when it's cool at night.

  13. Don't you hate it when the real world intrudes on your reading time? Just doesn't seem fair sometimes...despite the rewards offered. Wow...that really is high for gasoline if it's the price for Regular. The last few days our price has hovered around $3.15 a gallon on average, and people here are complaining. It's all relative, I suppose.

    1. I would love to have gas prices that low! We've been over $4.00/gallon since August. And I do hate it when life intrudes on my reading time! Don't they know I have miles of books to read before I sleep? ;D

  14. Oh I hate it when work cuts into reading time but what can you do right? Hope you are able to read lots of witchy/spooky books for the season. I'm definitely in the mood for atmospheric reads. That sounds like expensive gas! I am able to work from home two days a week so at least that saves me a bit on commute costs! Hope you have a great week and totally agree with those quotes :)

    1. Thanks, Iliana. I'm hoping to squeeze in as many books this month as I can. :D

  15. Pauline by Margaret Storey is one of my favorite children's books and in it the heroine, an orphan, has to go live with insensitive cousins. She is not supposed to read in her room because it is anti-social and if she is not doing homework she is expected to play board games. If she ever does read, they interrupt constantly because they think reading is so unimportant. Although they are affectionate, it was easy to see this was the author's idea of hell!

  16. Autumn is the best season, but too bad we don't have four seasons. 😢
    Thrillers and horrors are definitely fitting for October reading and I hope you'll enjoy those books you checked out from the library. :)

    1. I guess you don't really get an autumn in Singapore, do you?

  17. I am loving the cooler evenings too. It's supposed to be 91F today, but at least the evening should be pleasant. If it makes you feel any better, gas where I live is averaging $6.19/gallon. I'm so glad I don't have to go into the office every day. That's way too high. I am sorry your work schedule has changed making it harder to read and blog. I hope as you settle into it, you will find ways to carve out time for both more and more. I know that's not always possible, but we keep trying, don't we? Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! And I'm sorry that gas is above $6.00 where you live. What a nightmare.

  18. I just hate how work can get in the way of reading!
