Saturday, June 1, 2024


I just finished reading a delightful romance:
Love on Camera by Dana LeCheminant. It was cute and clean and made me smile. I look forward to reading her other two romances in this series.

My latest library haul:
        Romancing the Grump by Jenny Proctor
        Daughter of Mine by Megan Miranda
        Are We There Yet? by Savannah Scott
        The Girls Who Disappeared by Claire Douglas
        Holmes Coming by Kenneth Johnson
        I Know Who You Are by Barbara Rae-Venter
        The Wintringham Mystery by Anthony Berkeley
        Love in Writing by Dana LeCheminant
        The Diamond and the Duke by Chrisi Caldwell
        An Unforgiving Place by Claire Kells
        Better Living Through Birding by Christian Cooper 

Some recent things that made me glad:
  • My lettuce and chard seeds have come up and are growing well. Delicious fresh produce from my own garden is on the horizon!
  • Had a fun game night with my extended family Memorial weekend. We ate dinner together then played Ticket to Ride, a train route-building game that I enjoyed even though I totally lost. (My youngest nephew won.)
  • Heard Chickadees on my morning walk and saw some colorful Bullock's Orioles as well.
  • Best of all, school is out and my summer vacation has officially begun! 

Happy Reading!


  1. Seeing a Bullock's Oriole always makes me smile.

    1. They're such colorful birds, and I like to listen to their song.

  2. Love on Camera looks like a good one. Fresh produce from the garden sounds wonderful. Happy reading.

  3. Hooray for summer vaca and yay for the garden! Great things. Enjoy.

  4. I'm intrigued by the Christian Cooper book and will likely add it to my reading list. Happy summer vacation!

    1. It looks so good. And birding! I'm excited to read it. :D

  5. Ticket to Ride is a family favorite at our house. I play on the app too, for practice. :-) Enjoy your library haul!

    1. I love playing Ticket to Ride, but I always end up losing. Either I draw too short of routes to earn enough points, or I get really long routes that I end up not being able to finish. ;D

  6. Enjoy your summer vacation, Lark! It looks like you have lots of great library books to read.

    1. Too many of them probably, but I like to have options. ;D

  7. I will have to check out Love on Camera. I hope you enjoy your library books. You have some good reading ahead of you. I hope you have a wonderful week and summer!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to some time off...and a little more time to read this month. :D

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mary! I just hope it doesn't get too hot too soon this summer. I don't love those 100+ temps. (One of the reasons I don't live where you do.)

  9. Have a great summer Lark and a daily morning walk so important.

    1. Morning walks in the summer are so great. I miss them when winter comes and it's too dark and cold to get out walking.

  10. How odd... someone was only talking about Claire Douglas yesterday, her hairdresser had recced the author's books to her. I hadn't heard of her I must admit. Yaaay, for school being out!

    1. That's what I call a little bookish serendipity. :D

  11. Love on Camera is on my TBR list. It sounds so good! I'm glad your garden is going well! We're not having a lot of luck with ours this year, but I'm hoping it turns around. Enjoy your summer vacay! :)

    1. You will really like Love on Camera. It's a very cute and fun romance. Fingers crossed your garden thrives.

  12. Hope your haul is as promising as it looks! I love Swiss Chard for the way it looks as well as for salads!

    1. It's so good! It's even good in soups and stir fries.

  13. I loved The Diamond and the Duke and The Girls Who Disappeared! Hope you do, too. It's exciting to see all the garden plantings coming up! This is definitely the right time for a good salad! It feels like Summer is here! :)

    1. I'm looking forward to reading both of those! And it does feel very much like summer. :D

  14. I have Better Living Through Birding; I wish I had put it on my summer reading list.

    How wonderful that your garden is going well AND that you are starting summer vacation.

    We have one of the versions of Ticket to Ride (or more than one). We need to get back to playing that. It is fun although I find it hard to follow. My eyes don't work that well and I am unbelievably bad with geography and location of states.

    1. The geography game that I really love to play is 10 Days Across Africa where you try and plan a ten-day trip. It's so fun to play. And there's still time to amend your summer reading list and add Better Living Through Birding. :D

  15. Chard! It's such a good producer for us and such a lovely vegetable.

    I haven't read that Anthony Berkeley. I'll be curious what you think.

    1. I love chard. It's my second favorite summer vegetable.

  16. Thank you for sharing.

  17. That's quite a library haul! Hope you end up loving whatever you read next. Happy summer!

  18. What a great library haul! Hooray for the fresh produce. I wish I had the skill (and desire LOL) to do my own vegetable gardening. Goods from your own backyard must be very satisfying.

    1. They're very yummy...though I don't always have the best of luck with it. Luckily, my sisters always grow gardens, too, and they share. :D

  19. Wow, you really weren't kidding about you library book addiction, were you? Oh well, at least you're getting lots of good exercise by lugging all those books home and back. lol

    1. Does it make it at all better if I tell you that book haul is for the entire month of June? 10 books in 4 weeks isn't too many, is it?

  20. Hooray for Summer! You've stacked plenty of great titles to kick things off.

    1. I love summer...getting outdoors, all the fun activities, and having extra time to read. :D

  21. I really enjoyed this one as well! We love playing Ticket to Ride. We played Spoons, Checkers, and 800 Pound Gorilla with my niece and nephew over the weekend. It looks like you have some great reading ahead of you. Have a great week!

    1. I've never played 800 Pound Gorilla, but it sounds like fun. :D

  22. Yay for summer vacation! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your library books and heres to many more times with family and friends. Your time together sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. I'm definitely going to prioritize time with family and friends this summer. If I can't travel any where on vacation this year, I can at least make the most of my staycation. :D

  23. What a great library haul! Chickadees are my favorite bird and always make me smile. I love Ticket to Ride though we don't play it as much I'd like. Enjoy your summer!

    1. Thank you. I love chickadees, too. They're so little and cute. And I love their song. :D
