Monday, July 22, 2024

The Locked Door by Freida McFadden

The plot:  She was eleven when her father, Aaron Nierling, was arrested. In their locked basement, police found bones from seventeen victims. Now, twenty-six years later, Dr. Nora Davis doesn't tell anyone her father is a serial killer. She never opens his letters. She's a surgeon who saves people! Then one of her patients is found murdered, her hands disturbingly cut off just like all of Aaron Nierling's victims. Is it a copycat killer playing a sick game on Nora? She doesn't know what to think. And the police seem to suspect her. Because after all, Nora is her father's daughter. 

My thoughts:  What a great cat-and-mouse mystery! McFadden creates a mounting sense of menace and dread as the first murder is followed by a second, the police start closing in, and Nora's own past begins to unfold. It kept me guessing until the end. I loved the suspense and the unexpected twists. It's one of those unputdownable books I read in a day. (Thank goodness it's summer and I have more time to read!) And a big Thank You to Nadia @ A Bookish Way of Life for recommending this author. I can't wait to check out her other books!

Happy Reading!


  1. That sounds really intense! Is her father in prison, or has he died in those 26 years?

    1. He's still alive and in prison. And he keeps writing to her, wanting her to come see him, which she does not want to do. It definitely adds to the tension.

  2. EVERYBODY seems to be raving about McFadden's books. I didn't really enjoy the one I've read by her, so I've been avoiding her others. Maybe I should give her another change? Sounds like this one was enjoyable.

    1. This is the only book by her that I've read, but I really liked it. It was a fast and fun read, and suspenseful. And I did not guess the one big twist. But I thought it was a good one.

  3. This sounds good Lark and Dr Nora Davis a very interesting character. It got me thinking about the children of serial killers in real life. It must be so difficult. How do they tell others. And I would imagine these kids even though they shouldn't feel guilty because they've done nothing wrong feel guilt anyway

    1. I think it would be so hard to be the child of a killer like that. How would you tell anyone about your father? I can understand Nora's impulse to change her name and try to distance herself from her past like that.

  4. Having a serial killer for a father would be rough.

    1. I can't even imagine. It would not be an easy thing to deal with...or an easy secret to keep.

  5. Great review! And, so nice you were able to read it in a day ;)

  6. This sounds like my kind of story! I love the ones you just have to finish in one day! :)

    1. Me, too. It helps that this one isn't super long and reads very fast. :D

  7. Her books have been very hyped, and it sounds like she delivers!

    1. I thought she did in this one. I definitely want to check out some of her other books now.

  8. I’m glad you so enjoyed this book.

  9. This sounds like an intense and intriguing read. I'll have to see if my library has a copy. It sounds so good! :)

    1. I thought it was suspenseful all the way through...and it kept me guessing. Which I liked.

  10. This might be a bit intense for me but I will take a look at it. Sending a virtual *hug* connected to a comment on your last post. Hopefully you know what I mean.

    1. I do know what you mean and I appreciate the hug and support! Who knew a simple quote could inspire such ire? But I'm lucky to have blogging friends like you who always have my back. :D

  11. This sounds very intense. Good reading too.

    1. It is intense which makes it read very fast.

  12. I have heard such good things about Freida McFadden's books and this sounds like a fun read!

    1. I really liked it! It's the first book I've read by her, but it won't be the last.

  13. Oooo, this novel sounds so engrossing! It's going on my reading wishlist!

    1. It pulls you in and reads so fast. I really liked it.
