Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday...

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's theme is supposed to be THINGS CHARACTERS HAVE SAID.  But I haven't really been keeping track of that, and while I do collect quotes from the books I read, none of them seemed to fit this prompt. So, I'm going rogue.

Last year, my blogging friend and reading buddy, Melody Lee, passed away. And I have really missed her this year. I've missed chatting with her about books, and reading her posts, and most of all, I have missed our buddy reads. Over the years we must have read over 30 books together. So for this week's TTT, in honor of my friend, I decided to post MY FIRST TEN BUDDY READS WITH MELODY.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, March 1, 2025


 TV shows & series that I really miss:  

⏺Dwight in Shining Armor

⏺The Big Leap

⏺The Eco Challenge (which was the best adventure race ever!)

TV shows I'm very happy are coming back soon:

The Amazing Race
Project Runway

New album I am totally loving:

(Nate Smith:  California Gold)

And my list of 'glad things' from last month: 

  • One of the fourth graders I work with told me I was her favorite teacher.
  • I bought a new game called Trails that is a lot of fun to play.
  • My nephew got his first 'grown up' engineering job which made my entire family cheer.
  • I got a cute dragon squishmallow for my half birthday that totally makes me smile. 
  • A friend gave me daffodil bulbs about twenty years ago and I planted them in the front of my house, and every year they're the first flowers to come up; they remind me spring is on the way. I'm always grateful and glad to see Susie's daffodils blooming.
  • And Beth Brower's Emma M. Lion books continue to amuse and delight; I've now read the first seven books in the series and loved them all. Though I am sad there's only one more to go.