Thursday, March 31, 2022



Recently finished reading:
Dark Horse by Gregg Hurwitz. This is the seventh Orphan X novel, and conflicted and complicated Evan Smoak continues to be one of my most favorite characters. These books have lots of action, violence, and suspense, but also a lot of heart. They are very compelling reads, and I love them. If you haven't tried them, be sure to start with the first one, Orphan X.

I'm heading to the library tomorrow, but I'm limiting myself to only checking out four books at the most, because I'm determined to tackle some of my own books this month. I've got a stack piling up in my room that I really need and want to read. I'm hoping to start with these five books from my TBR pile:
Miss Betsy Thoughtless by Eliza Haywood (my next classic read)
Hope's Highest Mountain by Misty M. Beller
Called Into Action by Paris Wynters
Home With the Dead by PJ Dziekan
Dark Magic by Adam Wright
Of course, now that I've written this I'll probably have five library holds come in all at once. That's usually what happens when I make plans to focus on my own books. It's my own bookish luck. 🙃

How about those gas prices?  I just spent $4.37/gallon to fill up my car this week. Fun times! What's gas running where you live?  

A favorite quote to end on:

Happy Reading!


  1. Lovely quote!

    Gas is about the same where I am.

    Have fun at the library!

  2. I do love that Gandhi quote.

    You have worthy goals for April. Good luck with them!

    1. Thank you! I seem to need all the help I can get when it comes to reading the books from off my own shelves. ;D

  3. I love the Orphan X series! Thanks again for turning me onto it!

    My library holds seem to come all at once, too. I just got a few this week and I have to get through 3 review books this week, too!

    1. Don't you hate that? But it happens to me every time!

  4. Oh my gosh, petrol (gas) was always 'much' cheaper in the US than here in the UK. But now... well it's about £2.60 here which I gather is $3.4. I can hardly believe it's cheaper here now. Astonished.

    That quote gives me hope.

    1. Yeah, gas prices here are a nightmare right now. It's not looking like a good road-tripping summer this year.

  5. Isn't that always the way with library holds?

    The Gandhi quote is great.

    1. Library holds for me are like that saying "When it rains, it pours", because my holds always seem to pour in when I least expect or want them to. ;D

  6. We've had a drop in price recently so I worked out that we pay about $1.82 a gallon, if my calculations are right.
    I've found some good titles at our library recently but it sets back reading the books I own because I know I only have the borrowed books for a set time.

  7. On second thoughts, I think I completely stuffed my calculations up. We're paying $1.82 per litre & there's about 3.79 litres in a gallon!

  8. I hope you can get to your home books. But, if you get your library holds, than that is great too! Happy Reading

    1. Fingers crossed I can get some of my own books read this month in between library reads. :)

  9. Gas is hovering just under $4.00 a gallon here. It's so crazy!

    Have fun a time at the library! :D

  10. The TBR pile. I have so many books in that category and I must tackle them. They contain hidden gems I know it and the library too. I just have to commit to do it!

    1. That seems to be the hardest part for me: committing to do it! :)

  11. It's 3.99 here. $70 to fill my tank almost. Yikes!

    I've only read Hurqitz' YA debut The Rains, and liked it, but I need to try his other series!

    1. I liked The Rains, too. :) And $70 to fill up your car? Ouch!

  12. I've had Orphan X on my kindle for years. As a matter of fact, I started reading it on my previous kindle many years ago. If I recall correctly, that kindle stopped working, and I had to wait a few weeks to get a new one. When I got the new one set up, I forgot completely about reading Orphan X. I must have been distracted by whatever shiny new release came next haha. I'll have to make my way back around to it soon!

    1. It's such a good series! I hope you at least get the chance to read the first one. :)

  13. I did pretty good with reading my own books in March. I have a few more days of my "no library" month. I have two books that I own that I wanted to read in March but ran out of time. It will probably be May before I get to them.

    1. I know how that goes! I'm hoping with fewer library books checked out this month I'll actually have time to read at least 4 or 5 of my own books.
