Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My bookish goals for 2020...

(Although...they're more like personal affirmations than actual goals.)

😎 Read what I want!

😎 Don't get tied to lists or goals.
(Or reading challenges.)

😎 Don't forget about the books on my own shelves.

😎 Leave room for library serendipity.

😎 Blog less; read more.

😎 Have fun!

😎 Dream big.

😎 Be open.

😎 Be fearless.

😎 And believe!

See, it's more about the mindset I want to have this year than any specific goals I'd like to achieve. Which means I might be cutting back on the six or more book reviews I usually post each month...because writing reviews has started to feel like a chore. And I want my blogging to stay fun. Which means I might be posting more haiku reviews this year...and other fun bookish posts. Just not as many reviews. I also want to leave room...and my life for new adventures, new experiences and new connections. After all, who knows what 2020 could bring!

What about you? Are you setting any goals this year?

Happy New Year!


  1. I was too caught up in reading lists and goals last year and didn't leave myself time for films and TV and mood reading. This year will be chilled out Chuckles! Good luck Lark!

    1. Chilled out Chuckles...I like it! Happy 2020. :D

  2. Yay! That sounds good to me! I have joined one reading / discussion challenge about the classics, but it's a very relaxed time frame and one doesn't necessarily *have* to read all the books on the list, so I will just read about half of what's on the list, so I won't get overwhelmed. Other than that - I completely agree with your goals! Happy New Year, and good luck with your plans / goals / aims / whatever you want to call it :-)

  3. I love your approach to this year and wish you all the best, Lark. And I enjoy your haiku reviews. :-) Have a Happy New Year!

  4. Such great goals! I'm hoping to put less pressure on myself this year and have more fun too. Happy New Year, Lark! :D

    1. Thanks, Ashley! Less pressure in 2020 sounds good to me, too. :D

  5. Happy New Year! They all sound like great goals for 2020. I also want to have more fun with my reading and read more books from my own shelves.

  6. Wishing you a all the best in 2020! These are great intentions. I love the idea of being open to more adventures. A new year always makes it seem like anything is possible right?

    1. It does seem like anything is possible. :D I'd love to have some fun adventures this year.

  7. I also love what you shared as your goals. And I also love your haiku reviews, though I don't think I could write those myself. Not creative enough. Mainly, we should all just have fun with our reading, our blogging (whatever that looks like), and embrace 2020. Take care and let's do this...ha!

    1. :D I love the idea of embracing 2020. Happy New Year, Kay!

  8. I definitely want to use my library more. They just built a new one and it looks amazing but I haven't been in it yet. All your goals sound great. :)

    Happy New Year!!!

    1. A new! You definitely have to go and check it out. :D

  9. I used to participate in reading challenges but had stopped doing so a few years back. I don't set any reading goals either. I suppose I'll just take it easy and see how all goes. ;p

    Happy New Year, Lark!

    1. I did a few reading challenges last year, but I don't think I'll be doing any this year. I'd rather just read as the mood takes me this year. :D

  10. Hi Lark, You have a great list of goals here and for me, don't forget the book on my own shelves is top of the list. Its tricky about the Back to the Classics Challenge because on the one hand thanks to the Challenge I have read classics I know I never would have gotten around to reading but to commit to 12 books in a year doesn't leave much room for other books I want to read. I so enjoy your reviews but I do understand how blogging can come to feel like a chore. I know I find myself reading books now with a bit of stress as to what I am going to say about it in my post. That said I hope you always keep blogging and Happy New Year!

    1. There is a bit of stress that comes when you're reading a book that you know you intend to review. With some books, the review writes itself, but with others.... And I know what you're saying about the Back to the Classics challenge. I don't seem to read any classics when I'm not participating in it, but having to read and review a list of books for it...I just can't do it this year. My goal is for stress-free fun reading in 2020 with no expectations or deadlines to meet. :D Happy New Year!

  11. Great goals! I don't usually set reading goals, but this year I've thought about reading more nonfiction again and maybe singling out some beloved books for comfort re-reading. :)

    1. I'm a big fan of rereading favorite books. I don't do it as much as I used to, but maybe I can change that this year, too. Happy 2020! :D

  12. If you stay true to those goals, you are going to have a really fun reading year in 2020. It's all about remembering why we started reading in the first place. I think sometimes that book bloggers too easily - and too often - lose sight of the fun aspects of reading and start worrying too much about deadlines and the like. Have fun!

    1. :D Blogging does have at tendency to change the way I read, and I don't want to let it do that any more. I want both my reading and my blogging to just be fun this year.

  13. I want your blogging to remain fun too! I endorse your goals 100 percent. :D

    So far, my only fixed goal for 2020 is to continue to read books from my shelves. I love using the library, in particular because it is good for the library to have that circulation. But I need to make sure I balance that out with books I have purchased.

    1. Thanks, Ruthiella! Your goal of reading books from your own shelves is a good one. I'm going to try and do that, too; I just haven't made any lists or set any #s. I'm going to try and be more free range this year and follow my mood. :D

  14. I love this list. We could all take a cue from you :)

  15. I love your goals here, Lark. I agree writing reviews can feel like a chore. Sometimes I just have no idea what to say and I'd love to just write: "I loved the book, read it!" Lol. My reviews are shorter and shorter as time goes on, and I'll read a review from another blogger of the same book and wish that I would've pointed out more (like they did) of the reasons I loved the story. Oh well. I do use the library a lot with my audio book reads, and those are usually books I just want to read for me, not a review. Good luck with all your goals! :)

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I'm glad I'm not the only one that sometimes feels inadequate when reviewing books. I'm like you--sometimes I just want to say, "It's good! Read it." :D

  16. And I am wanting to write more about the books I read! We'll see.

    1. Hey, anything is possible! :D Good luck with all your goals.

  17. Yay! I love your goals. I hope to review more this year just because I get in the habit of *not* reviewing what I read.

    1. Here's hoping 2020 is a success for both of us. :D

  18. I didn't make any official blogging goals this year. I set my GR goal at 200 books again, but if that doesn't happen (it hasn't yet), that's okay. It's just a fun way to push myself.

    Happy New Year, Lark!

    1. Happy 2020, Susan! I hope it's a great year for you and your family. :)

  19. Nice goals!! Happy reading and engaging in new experiences!!

  20. Love your goals! I am sure you will rock them all in 2020! Hope you are having a great start to the new year :)

  21. These are good goals! I'll miss you over at the Back to the Classics challenge, though. You still have 10 days to sign up... it doesn't have to be a rigid thing to follow if you do sign up. I totally understand about wanting to keep reading and blogging fun - and not feeling like a chore.

    1. I do love your challenge! And I do love reading classics. Even if I don't do it this year, you know I'll be back! :D
