Friday, May 10, 2024

Two Quick Recommendations...


Just For the Summer by Abby Jimenez

"If you can choose between anger and empathy, always choose empathy."

Once again Jimenez has woven together a magical story of two lost souls finding love and home together. Justin's dealing with becoming the guardian to his three younger siblings while Emma has to work through her abandonment issues and childhood traumas caused by her very toxic mother. I loved Justin's cute pre-date questionnaires for Emma and their online conversations; I also loved how he tries so hard to take care of his brother and sisters. And how good he is with Emma. Her struggles went deeper and were harder to overcome, which made their ending a bit bumpy. But I was rooting for her and Justin all the way. This heartwarming romance deals with some heavier issues, but it does so with hope and humor. And I liked it a lot.  

No Excuses by Derrick Coleman Jr. 

"I didn't do anything special to make it into the NFL. All I did was work hard. Real hard. And I didn't listen to the people who told me it couldn't be done." 

Legally deaf and dependent on hearing aids and lip reading, Coleman went from not even being allowed to play football in the sixth grade to playing for the Seattle Seahawks and winning the 2014 Superbowl. His is a compelling and interesting journey. And while I enjoyed all the football parts, what I admired most about his story is his focus on working hard, putting in the effort every time, and never giving up. This is a book worth reading.

"Life is too short to settle for excuses. If you settle for excuses, then you'll always arrive at second best. Aim for your dreams, don't doubt yourself, don't let anyone tell you that you're a failure, and put in the work."

Happy Reading!


  1. Lark, love these two recs - they sounds soooo good! Thank you!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Nadia! It's my nephew's wedding reception this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. :D

  2. Thank you so much. Have a beautiful day. Regine

  3. Replies
    1. It really is. I loved his down-to-earth view of life and his work ethic is impressive.

  4. I love the quote about empathy. So many days I feel like we've lost that with each other.

    1. We've lost empathy and civility...two things that make the world a much better place imo.

  5. Two interesting recs there, Lark. I would read both!

    1. They're really good. I think you would like both of them.

  6. Amazing Coleman was able to play football while deaf and succeeding at that level.

    1. I loved reading about his journey. And he comes across as a really honest and optimistic and hard-working guy.

  7. Replies
    1. It really is. Especially if you like football at all.

  8. Those are both very interesting recommendations.

    1. I like changing up my reading every now and then. ;D

  9. Thank you for the recommendations.

    1. Hi, Mary! Thanks for always commenting. :D

  10. No excuses sounds very inspiring and it's the kind of book that kids should read in high school and college when they are just starting out in life and making important decisions. Hard work having dreams and working for those dreams are so important.

    1. It'd be especially good for any kid who dreams of becoming a professional athlete!

  11. A heartwarming romance and an inspiring story. Some good reading.

  12. Both of these books sound so good! And I love the quotes you pulled from both of them. :)

    1. Coleman had so many great quotes in his book, but those two were my favs. :D

  13. I will get to this new Abby Jimenez eventually. Love her books. I caught a sports news bio on Derrick Coleman and was impressed with his story. This book looks good, too.

    Sophia Rose

    1. His story is a good one. And I love Jimenez's books, too. :D

  14. I've never heard of Coleman, but he sounds like an inspiration! Good for him. I have a physical copy of the Jimenez book because it was my BOTM choice, but I'd like to listen to it if I can. It sounds really good too!

    1. I think you'll really like Just For the Summer. Justin is so great!

  15. I've seen so many glowing reviews of Just For the Summer; I think I'm going to have to grab it for my own summer reading!

    1. It's a fun romance...and would make a great beach read. :D

  16. Jimenez has been getting so much buzz lately! I haven't tried her yet, but it sounds like I need to. Glad you found some winners to read.

    1. I've liked every Jimenez book that I've read.

  17. I'm on the waitlist for Just For the Summer and can't wait to pick it up. I've heard such good things about it and really every other book by this author. No Excuses sounds really interesting. I'll have to add that to my TBR as well.

    1. Abby Jimenez has become one of my favorite authors. I really enjoy the characters she creates.
